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Essay Hacks

  1. Inspiration is the key.

The use of quotations remains one of the most problematic aspects of academic writing. Remember that a single quote can change the quality and consistency of your work, making it better or worth. Be selective and thorough with references. Make sure that they fit perfectly the purpose and format of your writing. Even if you find the quotation to be long, edit and revise it, but keep it, so that you can fulfill your academic purpose.

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  1. Pomodoro can help.

If you have difficulties managing time, you can try the famous Pomodoro technique. What you need to do is dividing your work into 25-minute periods. Take a break after each period. You can have a cup of coffee or watch something nice. Then get back to writing. You can also use the latest applications for iOS and Android. They have helped thousands of students to meet their time constraints.

  1. Block anything that can distract you from writing.

You know that both Windows and Mac offer flexible opportunities to choose the most appropriate content and block the inappropriate one. While working on your paper, make sure that you close all unnecessary applications and block all unnecessary notifications. If you do this and also use the Pomodoro technique, you will have better chances to finish your paper on time.

  1. Turn off the sound.

Any noise can distract you from writing. This is why it is so important to turn off the sound of everything you can and block any noises that you can reasonably block. The growing number of applications allows blocking sound notifications and other computer noises, while you are working on your task.

  1. Wikipedia is not the answer.

Professors won't approve your paper, if you rely on Wikipedia as the primary source. Of course, no one can keep you from using it. Yet, the best thing you can do is using its sources rather than information. Beware of the data shared on Wikipedia – its credibility is far from perfect!

  1. Use MS Word.

Do not forget that you must save everything you have written in MS Word. In case you have accidentally deleted the text, you can always recover it. Simply open your MS Word application, choose the File tab, followed by Info and then Manage Versions. There, you will find the "Recover Unsaved Documents" option. It is so easy to use those essay hacks!

  1. Enjoy the benefits of Google Docs.

Google has created an outstanding cloud-based system that allows you to save your documents. No matter what you write, it will be saved automatically. This way, you can be sure you will not lose a single word. You can access and edit your work from any device.

  1. If you love MS Word, you can use it for better writing.

Shift +F7 = opening Thesaurus.

  1. Forget about double-spacing after period.

Gone are the times when it was appropriate in academic writing.

  1. Stand up and move your body.

You do not have to spend all your time in front of your laptop. You need to move your body, so just stand up from time to time and move your hands and feet. You may also want to take a walk, if the weather is nice.

  1. Go out. Enjoy the atmosphere.

You need to change your environment to get a fresh look on your paper. Going to a coffee shop can be enough to entertain you. It does not mean that you procrastinate. It simply means that you are reasonable about your efforts. Do not overlook the opportunity to become a healthier student!

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  1. Try to make it manually.

It is better if you start writing your paper manually. You get a better grasp of the topic, if you use a pen and a sheet of paper to put down your thoughts and ideas. When the first draft is ready, you can start typing it. Edit and proofread it, when finished.

  1. If you are not enthusiastic about word processing, try something new.

New word processors have a user-friendly interface and allow you to focus on writing. You can use MS Word or any other program to develop a perfect piece of writing. It is time to excel in your studies by using our essay hacks!

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